Monday, March 22, 2010

In Sickness and In Health

Anna isn’t feeling well. She has had a low grade fever, a stuffy nose, a persistent cough, and even a mild diaper rash the last few days. The poor thing just cannot seem to catch a break. I hope she feels better soon. :(

Sometimes I don’t know who seems to be in worse shape, though, the sickly child or the worried mother. Fortunately, Jennifer has stayed healthy despite her stress and anxiety over Anna’s physical discomfort. She has her final ultrasound tomorrow to make sure that everything is tracking well with baby #2. We are both getting very excited to meet Sara Lynn!

I feel rested and recovered, but I have a mountain of grading-- which I put off over Spring Break-- awaiting me over the next few evenings. I need to catch up on that AND kick it into overdrive with my class preparations, so that when the baby comes, everything will be in perfect working order to hum along smoothly. With Speech and English I, this should present few difficulties, but with AP English IV, I really need to set aside some time to do the necessary legwork to treat J.M. Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians and Cormac McCarthy’s The Road in a satisfactory manner. I plan to use voicethread technology to deliver lectures and notes in absentia. That will be very tedious and time consuming, but better to do that than to let the students meander aimlessly through such difficult texts without any assistance. I want them to understand postmodernism, but necessarily to contract it. It can be quite contagious after all. AAA—cchhooo! (wipes slimy hand)

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