Thursday, March 3, 2011

University Resources at our Fingertips

I am rather curious how many educators out there are taking advantage of the increasing range, diversity, and quality of university resources available to us in our classrooms free of charge. For many years, I have referenced and incorporated Harvard's Chaucer page when covering The Canterbury Tales and Princeton's Dante Project and UT's Danteworlds when reading The Divine Comedy. I have also availed myself of one OU professor's materials on mythology.

Recently, however, I have stumbled upon a veritable treasure trove of resources in the form of complete courses through some of the most prestigious universities in America. For example, Yale and Harvard both offer entire courses from their English Departments gratis here and here. Additionally, Stanford has provided extremely valuable podcasts through iTunes as well, again at no charge; you can find those resources here. UC Berkeley provides videos of various poets reading their works during their Lunch Poems program here.

Feel free to provide any links to additional online resources that you have come across in your navigation of the Internet. These multimedia sites offer incredible possibilities for both veteran teachers and newbies as they draft syllabi, prepare notes, assign supplementary materials, or craft innovative and inventive assessments.

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